Friday, July 20, 2007

Prophecy of Vithan August 2

Prophecy of Vithan is coming August 2.
That is just around the corner.
As an author with a book coming out (I get shivers when I say that "I'm an Author with a book coming out") I have some interviews coming out. The first interview was with Kelly Kirch. ( Kelly is quite a woman, full of wit. My grandmother would say she is full of vim and vinegar. You should check out her blog. I am a bit late in telling you about my interview, so you have to check her archives and go to July 6. There is my interview.
The next interview will be with Amarinda Jones. It is on August 1st. You'll love her blog. ( She is quite a character. Amarinda, Kelly and another author Anny ( are having a serial story where each one of the adds a paragraph to the story. So far it has Twin brothers, chocolate, peelers, and goggles. Check it out.
In fact I have an interview with Anny Cook on August 6th. She is a woman of quite a bit of wisdom.
I have an interview, well actually my character Morgan Zephyrain has an upcoming interview with Henry, a character of Sandy Lender's. It is a roller coaster of an interview. I'm not quite sure of the date yet.
On July 31, Aug 1, Aug 2, Aug 3 I will be chatting on Yahoo Groups. So will a lot of other very talented authors.
July 31 - Coffee Time Loop 2:00PM and 10:00 PM PST(
July 31 - Coffee Time Erotic Loop 11:00 PM PST (
August 1 - eBook Lovers Loop 2:00PM and 10:00 PM PST(
August 2 - League of Amazing Writers Noon and 8:00 PM PST (
August 3 – Romance Bistro 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM PST ( (it is Romance_Bistro)

Come visit with some amazingly talented authors. Celebrate my novel’s release. Get your copy of Prophecy of Vithan at on August 2!

Charlene Leatherman, Prophecy of Vithan by Cerridwen Press, released August 2, 2007Defeating the villain, destroying the monster, delivering the hero, and never breaking a nail

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